"Among the primitive Caribbean tribes, the mamey was considered a sacred fruit, which only the men were permitted to eat. This prohibition imposed on the weaker sex can only be attributed to masculine selfishness. It is so delicious that the male Caribbeans sought this way of keeping the entire crops of this fruit to themselves." From, Cuba: Ideal Vacation Land--Tourist Guide (1951).
I have eaten mamey in Cuba and fully believe that the above statement is not hyperbole. Mamey is so good, and so inaccessible in the US, that I jumped at the chance to pay 6 bucks at Whole Foods the other day for a small mamey from the Dominican Republic. (Mamey costs about 40 or 50 cents at an agromercado in Havana). I should have known that this sacred fruit would not be captured so easily at Whole Foods. The flesh of the mamey from the DR is yellowish orange versus deep ruby red from Cuba. And it is not nearly as sweet. If there is one single reason to lift the US embargo on Cuba, it is for free trade of mamey. Damn the Miami Cubans standing in the way.
You're right, mamey is luscious!
Hey Slowdood: Great to see that you're up and running--spreading your food tales far and wide. I just read about fruit in Cuba, yes, but the grapevine says you've been chomping on pig snouts in Nicaragua. Tell all.
and what about the caja china? buzz is you're getting pretty good at preparing the pig. what's the story?
I totally agree with the Poster. I just finished eating a mamey and i think the satisfaction I get is better than sex. Delicious
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